GENRE:  Comedy/ Romance/ Drama
MADE:  2006
CAST:  Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman
DIRECTOR:  Marc Forster
WRITER:  Zach Helm

PLOT:  An IRS agent, hated by many, single, boring and running on a schedule... the same schedule every day wakes up one day to find that he can hear a mysterious voice narrating his life.  At first he believes himself to be crazy but finds quickly that he is a character in a book that someone is writing, the bad news?  He, Harold Click dies at the end of the story.  With the knowledge of his upcoming fate his life is turned upside down as he tries to find the author to stop the ending from being written during which... he falls in love with a woman least likely to love him back.

PARALLEL UNIVERSE:  Groundhog Day, The Science Of Sleep, Stay


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